Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's A Statement Isn't It


The first true post about Dollywoods Fashion! And of course we start with a Statement - dress, T-Shirt, sneakers - it's all over. Fashion Picks are items, which I chose from the Starbazaar, to give you some ideas or inspiration to buy on your next Shopping-Trip. These clothes or accessoires aren't Musthaves for every doll,  you don't need them to survive on Stardoll with a good style - they're just inspiration and my Musthaves.  So let's go to the first Fashion Picks, black & white Statements. I thought for the beginning I start in my own closet and take a look, which items could be interesting for our dear followers.

1. Non Violence Print T-Shirt In my opinion this Shirt is one of the best Print-Shirts in the Starplaza. Not only the price is good to your wallet ( 50 Starcoins!), the Design is beautiful too. It's simple, so it makes a good basic in my closet. Also your MeDoll makes a Statement against violence, with buying it. 
-> Evil Panda, 50 Starcoins
2. Licorice Skirt I never thought, that Wild Candy makes the perfect skirt for my MeDoll. But yes this skirt is the best ever on Stardoll. It remembers me on the famous short leather skirt, which you can get for too many Stardollars in the Bazaar. So this one from Wild Candy is a nice alternative.
-> Wild Candy, 101 Starcoins
3. Column Dress I HAD to chose it, big new love in my closet. This dress from the brand new and very first collection from Cheap Monday in nelly.com-Shop, is perfect to go for a modern Style. And a little bit asymmetry has never hurt a mathematician. Just the price carries a high risk of injury.
-> nelly.com, 24 Stardollars
4. Tennis Shoes No no no, we call these sneakers ''Chucks'' Stardoll. These shoes aren't for Tennis, they're for basketball and for me. So the black Chucks are the coolest shoes in the world and the only flat shoes my MeDoll own...poor MeDoll. 
-> Evil Panda, 40 Starcoins

These Fashion Picks are boring? Then show me your Outfit with them and upload it in the comments. 



  1. Lovely post, you inspired me to buy that tee, and I already have the skirts and Chucks, which I adore, in fact I collect all Chucks on Stardoll, as I love them in real life too :)

  2. http://prntscr.com/20kav0
    after reading this post I had to buy that tee *-*

  3. I think half the stuff in my dolls closet is from seeing other medolls wearing them! I love the skirt ;)
