Join us!

If you want to apply as a writer, fill in this form below and post it in the comments. 
And don't forget to follow!

What do you want to post about(*):
Previous experience:
Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe:

*You can choose one of this topics:
- Hot News (stardoll and real life)
- Shop News (stardoll)
- Interviews
- Makeup Trends
- Make-Overs
- Hot Buys Reviews
- Rubric called "Captured" (have an eye on extraordinary, talented people and present them in the blog)

**Topic for everyone: Feel free to post your outfits whenever you want no matter what topics you've choosen above, concerning the rubric called "What did I wear today?"


  1. Username: Jovana8
    Name: Vana Alexander
    Age: Fourteen
    What do you want to post about(*): Interviews and Captured
    Previous experience: I used to be writer for the Stardoll Infinity, but well the blog didn't even started. I have experience with blogging because of the Starblog, for which I was writer (You can see my posts on my Stardoll Blog)
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: I'd LOVE (literally!!) to write for a Blog like The Fashion Vibe! I think, that I have many potential for fashion and got and eye for outstanding things, but I also see things which are hidden. I'm daily online and I get most of the new stuff as one of the first with. I'm always looking after special dolls and i'd love to share my experiences on my journey through stardoll with all other people.

    Thanks for read along and excuse me if i made some mistakes, but i was so excited as i've heard about it! Sincerly,
    Vana Alexander :-)

  2. Username: popelmagazin
    Name: Anna
    Age 16
    What do you want to post about: Hot Buys Reviews
    Previous experience: I wrote for some smaller german blogs and used to be a guest writer for 'Beg for More'. I blogged about Hot Buys as well and about outfits, make up tips etc.
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: I want to start blogging again because somehow it's my passion. I got a lot of experience in the last 1 1/2 years and i think this blog will be a good chance to get started again. I'm daily online and I love to share my opinion about new stardoll stuff with others.

    Lots of love, Anna

  3. Username: ajehdn
    Name: Anna
    Age: 18
    What do you want to post about(*): - Makeup Trends - Make-Overs
    Previous experience: no really experiences, only my little make-up contest
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: I want to start blogging and I think this blog could be a very good start for me. I want to show people my experiences with Make-up and Make-overs. I´m almost daily online so I can write alot for this blog. I would be glat, if you pick me for your make-up things.
    xxx Anna ♥

  4. Username: emmahunt4
    Name: Hilmy
    What do you want to post about(*): Hot News
    Previous experience: Well I use to write for Allure and I have done random articles for magazine's and I am also the owner of Risqué
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: I wanna be part of a great up and coming project I can see this project will do pretty well and specially the owner I love her i loved her other blog which is Curious Stardoll Critics and I wanna be part of her BIG intelligent mind :D

    1. p.s that was about the co owner and HELL YEAH I WOULD LOVE TO BE PART OF THIS COZ DUH MANDA THE BEST GIRL EVER is the OWNER so manda i Will be waiting for my payslip ;P

  5. Username: sa-sarah
    Name: Lay (Salla)
    Age: 16
    What do you want to post about(*): Hot News
    Previous experience: I used to write for a lot of the old stardoll blogs back in the days, I took a break from stardoll though and I literally don't remember any of their names. I hope that won't be an inconvenience.
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: Like I said, I took a break from stardoll and now that I'm back I'd love to be a part of a blog and be involved with stardoll in more than just one way and I feel like The Fashion Vibe is a great opportunity for me to do just that.

  6. Username: Polarbearmonkie
    Name: Kierra
    Age: 18
    What do you want to post about(*): Interviews
    Previous experience: My magazine: and I have a stylist competition (under construction right now... dollywoods next top stylist.)
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: Because this is a fabulous blog and I would love to contribute to it and give some good interviews! :)
    Thank you!

    1. Can I change that to shop news? Thank you! oh and for experience, I was accepted for Stardoll local news (never ended up contributing to posts.) and I write for stardoll true fan! Thank you again!

  7. Username: Aeahat
    Name: Catrina
    Age: 17
    What do you want to post about(*): Hot Buys Reviews
    Previous experience:
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: Well, I think this blog has a lot of promise. I can tell that this blog is high quality, and I would love to be part of it.

    1. Edit: I also write for as well as

  8. Username: ALLYE99
    Name: Jessica
    Age: 15
    What do you want to post about(*): Captured
    Previous experience: I have never written for a blog like this before, but I do have some experience with Stardoll blogging as I am the owner of, a Stardoll modeling agency.
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: It's seems like a cool blog that I would be proud to be a part of.

  9. Username: MissFoxyRoxy913
    Name: Roxanne
    Age: 16
    What do you want to post about(*): Captured
    Previous experience: My own fashion blog (
    Wrote for Vogue-Daily
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: I feel like I want to bring a fun way to write on here, I know so many people with amazing talents I would love to share!

  10. Username: XBellaxXxBabexX
    Age: 13 (but mature)
    What do you want to post about(*):Shop News because nobody else chose that so I guess you need someone ;) I also like this topic and I can talk about new stores and releases and what to pair them with!
    Previous experience: I own: & & I write for : & &
    Why do you want to be part of The Fashion Vibe: I feel like my style and trends can make an impact on this blog! Instead of being trend followers we can be trend creators! I'd like to add more comps to this blog and I can you my topic to do that be getting followers to be creative and make their own outfit! Your blogs inspires me and I would be very proud if I was apart of it :)

    Xoxo. Bella
